Today was not just a good was a great day. I had the kiddies today and decided to make it a fun one. We slept in, Aubrey didn't wake up until 9:45 am. Good for him! I had a little bit of house work to do....some dusting, cleaned the bathroom and did the dishes. Then, off we went. First we had to get Parker's hair cut. He did great. Then fill the tank up with one million dollars worth of gas. Then to Chick-fil-A where I had coupons. See what a great day so far? I had to stop by the kids new school to drop off some forms and got to see Mrs. Kay. She is one of their teachers from last year who is at their new school. We then stopped by my Mom's work to use the restroom. They were good and did not embarrass either myself or my Mom. Great
day still. Then too the Zoo. We have a membership. No, that doesn't mean that I can drop off the kids in the monkey cages. While in the car, I didn't not have to raise my voice (yell) the 500 times as usual. A great day.
While at the zoo, we had a blast. Most of the animals were out, which isn't the norm since we've been going. The panda was especially neat to see. He was all laid back and munchin' down on some bamboo leaves. The kids didn't run off or cry when it was time to go to the next thing. Or when one wanted to do one thing and the other something else....they compromised. A great day. We rode the train and merry-go-round. It even started to sprinkle a little and we still went to the playgound there. We had it all to ourselves. The sprinkles weren't too bad, it actually cooled things off a bit. But who cares if we got wet? We were having a blast!
Upon leaving the zoo, Aubrey looks up and says "Mom, I love spending time with you and Parker and Dad, even thought Dad isn't here." On the way home, Parker in his cute little high-pitched voice, would say "I love you Mom". I wish you could all hear his voice. I will be sad the day he grows out of it.
It's nice to have these days to look back on. Especially when you have those days where you have to call them down a million times and they don't get along and you feel like you shouldn't have ever left the house. I thank God for giving me and the boys a day like today. A day where we can all enjoy each other and just laugh and have fun. It makes me think that I take things to seriously sometimes and should "stop and smell the roses" with the kids more often. I get sooooo concerned about how they behave, what type of adults are they going to be in 15 years. Not that all that is not very important....because it is.....just we lose site of today and what today might mean to them. A good friend at work told me this one.... "Nothing is more important than today." That does not mean live it up today because you could die tomorrow. But focus on what God has given you does say in the Bible in Matthew 6:34 " Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Guess what verse comes right before that??? Verse 33 is "Seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you......Verse 34 " therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Cool huh????
Thank you God for my children and for TODAY!