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The masses have spoken. I must respond. I ate the last piece of my husband's favorite cake in the entire world. I will admit that about half way through the delicious red velvet cake...I thought about it. But it was too late....my palate had already been tempted too far to turn back. I could not resist finishing it off. I promise to make you a new one... Duncan Hines style! I think instead of training for that 5K in a couple of months, I'm training for the Oscar Mayer Hot Dog eating contest. I need to get my trainig in order. I must resist.
So, to my hubby....I'm sorry. Punish me however you wish. I can take it.........OR, you could show grace and mercy to your loving, humble, extremely sorry and caught in the act wife. Hey, remember that time that I gave birth to your children???? Boy, did that hurt....but I did it for you.......because I love you so much...and because the kids can't stay in longer than 9 months! It's in your hands now.....forgiveness......it's yours to give.
Very good Michelle! I am proud of you!
Posted by
Dianne |
3:56 PM
Honey, I love you. However, I would like to say CRY ME A RIVER!!!
Also, Duncan Hines DOES NOT compete with grandmother's cake.
Thank you very much and drive around please...xoxo
Posted by
4:20 PM
TOO FUNNY! I laughed out loud when I saw your blog. Yeah, I'd have to say that giving birth to your two fantastic children does not even compare to the last piece of grandmother's cake. So, Tommy, don't you think one piece of cake is a small sacrifice for all Michelle has done for you???!!!
Posted by
Tracey |
4:58 PM
C'mon Tommy....Make her pay!!! This could be good for you. (wink, wink)
Posted by
Jennifer |
5:06 PM
I love red velvet cake. My grandmother made the best ever!! That's a pretty serious crime there, missy, eating Grandmothers red velvet cake . . . mmmm....it would take a pretty special guy to forgive it . . . but we are talking about Red Ranger here. . . I think you're in the clear.
Posted by
Allycat |
7:14 PM
Red velvet cake from a BOX???????
Posted by
JL |
7:16 AM