first kiss

This week the boys are at the PaskVan household. What's 2 more kids, huh????? They had a BLAST on their 1st day. When I came to pick them up, Aubrey asked if I could go home and come back later. He wanted to play more. Thanks a lot, son. Glad to see you too. Actually, you want it that way, right? You don't want them begging to go home, you want them to have a great time.
So, Jennifer told me that Aubrey and Julia kissed. OK....let's step back for a moment. What type of kiss here.....are they dating now, going steady or are they free to see other people? LOL I asked Aubrey about the kiss. He said, "Yep, I kissed Julia on the cheek. She was a princess and she asked me to kiss her, so I did. I didn't want to make her sad." How very thoughtful of my son. He didn't want to make her sad. This was totally cracking me up. I think he is in love. He wanted her to come home with us and bring her back with us tomorrow. How sweet....that's my boy. Takes after his Dad......
Wouldn't you have loved to capture that on film! Too cute! You better keep an eye on that little Casinova! You're so father, like son!!!
Posted by
Tracey |
5:56 PM
A suitable response from a Prince about his Princess! Too cute! Miss Sassafras may have met her match!
Posted by
Allycat |
7:17 PM
Oh yes.....they must be an item now as Julia is very finicky about her 'men.'
They played prince and princess, Narnia and Spy Kids today. I think they even played for a bit in Julia's dollhouse.
It's fun having new best friends.
My boys told me tonight that they didn't realize how 'cool' Aubrey and Parker were and that they were looking forward to the rest of the week.
Posted by
Jennifer |
7:25 PM