my hair
I love it...I just hope I can fix know how that is, right? The next morning, you get up, you wash it and BAM......nothing like it looked the day before. I told this to my hair stylist, and she said that she would have a "training clinic" if I needed one. We shall see tomorrow AM. Tommy likes it too. I'm looking at the pictures right now...and it's not looking so difficult. I can do problem. But it's supposed to have the "not so fixed" look...which takes some fixing. You know what I mean??????

Non-blogger blog-stalker Kim B here -
Your hair looks great! Lots of 'product' involved in the fixing? I love how they make products for the "not-so-fixed" look & name them things like "Dirty Hair" or "Greaseball Head".... wait, maybe it's "Bedhead"....yeah, I think that's it... do you have to use that stuff? NOT that your hair looks dirty or greasy - it seriously looks great! (Now you know why I don't blog...hard to fit the keyboard in one's mouth...I really DO like your hair...)
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:53 PM
Looks great!! Artfully messy!
Whenever I get my hair cut I always have to go home and fix it myself immediately. Weird, huh.
Posted by
Allycat |
8:06 PM
Very cute -- I LAHHHHHHHHV it!!
Posted by
Julie |
9:14 PM
cute, cute, cute! Like it! The key is not to "over do" it...don't spend too much time on it and it will look great!
Sorry I missed your calls this evening. Had a meeting that lasted a while!
Posted by
Tracey |
9:45 PM
You got the hair I wanted! Hand it over!!!!!
Posted by
JL |
9:09 AM
Love the hair and I know exactly what you mean. You leave the beauty shop looking like a model and the only place you have to go the whole day is to grocery shop - what a bummer! You wake up the next day and you are right - bam - you never look the same again. . .Beth
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:05 PM