Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Remember me?

Ok, so it's been a while. I had a hard time remembering my password. It was good to take a break for a while. My son's new published book has inspired me to write again. They had reading night at his school. We were able to see his book that he wrote and illustrated all by himself. It is quite a masterpiece, I must say. You may ask.... what was his book about? Was it about trucks, the police, dogs, his family maybe??? Oh, no..... it was about his girlfriend, Abbye. It really is sweet. Here is how it goes.

Abbye is seven years old.

Abbye kissed me. I liked it.

She gave me candy and popsicles.

She calls Parker "darling." He goes in her stroller.

She's going to marry me. I hope we have a girl child. I won't have to spank her. Girls are good.

The End. the candy and stroller parts are from when we were over at the family's house and they played "house" very innocently. Parker was the baby.

Anyway, he really does like Abbye and so do we. Wouldn't it be funny if one day we could look back at this and Abbye and Aubrey are sitting in our living room with their little girl??????? That would be fine with us......we love the in-laws!!!!!!

About me

  • I'm Cantini #3
  • From Georgia, United States
  • I'm just an ordinary girl with a busy life. I have a wonderful husband and two great boys who keep me entertained at all times. Life is never dull. My boys are 6 and 4. I hate doing the housework, especailly putting away the laundry and emptying the dishwasher...but somebody has to do it! I also hate to cook, so I don't do it as much as I should. My husband is an awesome cook, thank goodness. My kids are the smartest and the cutest kids in the world. I work at my church and love my job. I have the absolute best friends, who are my sistahs! God always provides for our every need and for that I am grateful.
My profile