fall retreat
This past weekend I went with some friends to Mobile, AL to visit Karen. Me, Julie, Jennifer and Renee drove down while Lynne flew in from Frisco, TX. We arrived in Mobile at Karen's house to a beautiful house and a nicely prepared meal. Karen's sister Linda stayed and helped and we enjoyed visiting with her. Karen is a triplet and boy do they look and sound alike too. They even have the same mannerisms. I think we found ourselves staring at times. Well, we stayed up until about 1:00 pm catching up and laughing (some were even falling asleep, imagine that!).
On Saturday, Karen fixed us a wonderful breakfast and off we went to Fair Hope to shop. It's a little like Mayberry. Very nice. We had a great time. Then, Karen had arranged with one of her friends to give us a boat ride to the restaurant that we were to eat at that night. That was awesome....and a bit chilly on the way back. But, it was great.
Sunday was church day at Dauphin Way. Jennifer, Lynne and Renee sang in the choir with Karen. Julie and I sat out......for different reasons. Julie has Menear's disease which makes steep, open places not so much fun for her sense of balance and this choir loft would have killed her. She enjoyed sitting out and worshipping. As for me.... I don' t read music and couldn't just pop in the choir and sing.....plus, Julie needed the company, right?????? I did it for her....... and me. After church, yes, we ate again. Yummy food at Felix's.
Then, we all had to say our goodbyes. We tried to make it quick. Karen was the best hostess and made our time together so special. I love these special girls and thank God for their friendship.

On Saturday, Karen fixed us a wonderful breakfast and off we went to Fair Hope to shop. It's a little like Mayberry. Very nice. We had a great time. Then, Karen had arranged with one of her friends to give us a boat ride to the restaurant that we were to eat at that night. That was awesome....and a bit chilly on the way back. But, it was great.
Sunday was church day at Dauphin Way. Jennifer, Lynne and Renee sang in the choir with Karen. Julie and I sat out......for different reasons. Julie has Menear's disease which makes steep, open places not so much fun for her sense of balance and this choir loft would have killed her. She enjoyed sitting out and worshipping. As for me.... I don' t read music and couldn't just pop in the choir and sing.....plus, Julie needed the company, right?????? I did it for her....... and me. After church, yes, we ate again. Yummy food at Felix's.
Then, we all had to say our goodbyes. We tried to make it quick. Karen was the best hostess and made our time together so special. I love these special girls and thank God for their friendship.