Only Bad Witches Are Ugly

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore - Dorothy
Only bad witches are ugly - Glenda the Good Witch of the North
Ding Dong the witch is dead - The Munchkins
I'll get you my pretty...and your little dog too - Wicked Witch of the East
Follow the Yellow Brick Road - Glenda
My ! People come and go so quickly here - Dorothy
A lot of people without brains do an awful lot of talking - Scarecrow
If I only had a brain - Scarecrow
If I only had a heart - Tin Man
Lions and Tigers and Bears, O My - Dorothy, Scarecrow and Tin Man
Put 'em up....put 'em up.... - Cowardly Lion
If I were the King of the Foreeeeest - Lion
I'm melting...melting...melting - Wicked Witch
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain - The Wizard
There's no place like home - Dorothy
As you can tell, we all just watched The Wizard of that movie. what's your favorite movie line??? All of you who like to read my blog, just click the word COMMENTS (not the envelope) just below this entry and tell me your favorite line......I'd love to hear from you....thanks for reading
No contest, hands down best ever ever ever EVER!!! "Is it you? Is it?" Jayne Seymour to Christopher Reeve in "Somewhere in Time" Goosebumps and crying every single time
Posted by
JL |
7:25 PM
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner" Come on people! Could there be a better, cheesy movie than Dirty Dancing? But I have to admit, the hundreds of times it's on TNT or the Superstation, I WATCH IT!!!
Posted by
Tracey |
10:07 AM
Come on, you know that "Luke, I am your Father", is the greatest line of all.
Posted by
chrome dome |
10:21 AM
I'm adding one - not my favorite of all time movie like Somewhere in Time, but still very good b/c I'm in love with Mandy Patinkin. "HELLO!!! My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die". Said by Indigo, aka Mandy baby, in The Princess Bride
Posted by
JL |
8:28 PM
PS - I've never even seen Dirty Dancing - can you imagine!!
Posted by
JL |
8:29 PM
OK - here is my favorite movie line...
" It will be FUNNER!! " -- from Legally Blonde 2
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:09 AM
Here is mine:
" I don't want to kill you, and you don't want to be dead!"
from - Silverado
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:10 AM
Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday
"I'm your Huckleberry"
I laugh every time!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:22 PM