Crown Him King..or something like that

Aubrey did awesome at the dentist. Thanks everyone for praying for him. Believe it or not, he has 3 more times to go! I know that this is my fault for giving him too much juice. I've already gone through the blaming myself and the feeling guilty stuff. And I'm comfortable with that....taking responsibility, that is. It's not his fault. I really do feel like a bad Mom. I've had someone tell me that some kids just don't have strong teeth and take to having cavities more than others. That sounds great, but I still want to blame myself for this. Anyway, he said that the whole thing didn't hurt and he's not hurting now and he got 2 toys from the dentist office. At least he gets toys.
Do you ever have one of those blah days? That's what I'm having today. I feel bad about the teeth thing, my house is up to the roof with laundry, dishes and dust, I am SO hungry and trying not to eat everything in the house, and it took the kids almost 45 minutes to get down for a nap. So, I called my Mom and she made everything ok. Why is it that calling your Mom can make you feel better about just about anything?? Somehow she made me feel better about my status as a Mom - even if I did attempt to lie yesterday...instead of just saying NO - thanks Ang :) Oh, I know what else is bothering me....I hate my hair. I've been letting it grow out a little longer and it's getting on my last know, the bangs are too long, but not long enough.....getting it cut on Monday. Don't know in what style yet, but something. I've got my ball cap on right now just to keep it out of my face. I better stop writing...I'm probably making everyone reading this depressed. Sorry. I'll feel better when the kids get up from their nap and want to snuggle on the couch and watch Tom & Jerry.
You shoulda called sister. I would have tried to cheer you up as best I could. Sounds like Aubrey is a real trooper and You stop thinking you're a bad kids drink juice, for Pete's sake......That doesn't make you a bad mother.
and good luck on the haircut.....I'm torn, cause I love the longer look, but I know you'll look smashing when I see you next week. Love you
Posted by
Jennifer |
5:30 PM
It is true woman!!! Some kids ARE more cavity prone than others! Georgia is the kool-aid queen and she's never had a cavity. We used to have kids come in who had a mouth full and never ate sweets. So don't go kicking yourself :P Glad he's ok.
I'm about to have a nervous breakdown trying to get pics to show up on this site. I click the upload button, it says it's on there, and nothing shows. I've done that twice. So I was very aggitated to see your tooth picture!!! :)
Posted by
JL |
8:27 AM
Thanks for the support ladies! I needed it!!!!!
Posted by
Cantini #3 |
9:42 AM