What are you going to do?????
It seems as of late, that most of my posts have been about my #1 son, Aubrey. He's had the most going on, I guess. Well, he had a tough day today. We found out that he has to have some extensive dental work done starting tomorrow. Crowns....yes crowns for my 5 year old. He will have these teeth until he is 12 so, we must get them fixed. Anyway....he really wanted to go to kangaroo Kids which is an indoor playground thing. I didn't really want to bother, I had rather go home, put some H2O in the kiddie pool out back and relax, but he really wanted to go. It was already 4:30 and I was tired. So I came up with this great plan. I'll tell them that it is about to close and we couldn't spend very much time there, so we will go tomorrow after his dentist visit. I was going to drive by the place on our way home and lie. Great idea, Mom!!!!! Ok...not so good. Why???? Well, Aubrey then decides to pray and ask God if the Kangaroo place could still be open because he really wants to play. Thanks a lot, Aubrey. Now I have the future of your faith in my hands, or so it felt. What's a good Mom to do at that point? Well, my little plan to lie had just unfolded. I guess that it what I get for trying to fib to the kids. I guess God possibly might have been using my child to teach me a lesson???? What do you think?????? Lesson learned...
Oh, poor Aubrey. I didn't know they did crowns on a 5 yo. I'll have to give him an extra special hug on Sunday. I hope they drug him.....Trey has had dental work done too and he still asks for the laughing gas....."Oooo, look at the pretty colors, Mom." Hysterical.
Love you #3
Posted by
Jennifer |
8:30 AM
Well, I guess then the pool is out on Friday. I hope Aubrey does well and is not in a great deal of pain. I'll be praying for all of you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:10 AM
SURELY they will put him out for that. How many crowns? I would think on a child they would only do one at a time. There's a lot of work in a crown prep, I can't imagine they won't give him some gas. Did they say anything about temporary crowns? Keep me posted xoxoxo
Posted by
JL |
10:42 AM
Sorry about the dental stuff. YUCK! poor thing.
Okay, Did they not teach - you- in elementary school -JUST SAY NO. Then you don't have to lie. It was to say no to drugs, but I have found that in parenting the application works really well too. Oh, you may not have gotten the just say no talk in your christian school, but I remember it well from my days in public education.
And I have to say -Aubrey is a smart kid.
Posted by
terrible speller |
3:16 PM