
My son has a hidden talent that I did not know about. It is a talent that I wish that I had and have tried to accomplish....but sadly, cannot. He can make the Chewbacca noise. Yes, I know, he is only 5 and does not fully appreciate Chewbacca like I do. But.....he can do it. He did it today along with R2D2 and C3PO. He attempted to make the light saber noise, but not so good. I wonder if I should register him in a contest or something??? Just kidding. I will admit that last year me and my friends sat around and "tried" to make the Chewbacca noise. There we women sounding, well, silly, but having a lot of fun. None of us could do it very well, but there was one who came pretty close. (#6). Anyway, I was just proud of Aubrey and his talent. Brag when you can, right???????