Give me a "R"

My oldest son, the one with the hidden talent, has another skill. At VBS yesterday, he decided that he needed to stick a bead up his nose. Ok, he is 5 1/2 years old....we should really be past the "thing up the nose" trick, right? Well, apparently not. So I get a call to come over to the children's area because Aubrey stuck a bead with the letter "R" up his nose. They let me know that he is fine and he can breathe, so that means that it is ok to get mad. He did this one other time at home and we got the object out, thankfully. So why would he try this again? Anyway, on my way over, Wendy J. stops me and says that they got him to blow it out and he did not need/want to see me. Good thing for him, too. I was pretty mad. I mean, he knows better. He finally told me about it later that evening. He said that one of his friends told him to do it....this was a big, fat lie, of course. I did my Mom impersonation and went over all the danger of putting things up your nose, yadda, yadda, yadda. He will probaby do it again. Parenting is never boring!
Awww...poor baby! My kids must be strange as I've never (knock on wood) had any of them stick something up their nose. Hmmm!!
Posted by
Jennifer |
4:44 PM
I bet his daddy has been teaching him that..... :P
Posted by
JL |
8:01 PM