can you hear me now??
My turn......I thought I would make the switch to BETA also. Mostly because I have so much trouble posting pictures. I usually can get up maybe two and we shall see. I may post a few random pictures and see how we do. Right now I am sitting on the couch watching the Falcons kick the Buccanner's tail. Poor Phil Simm's son, Chris....he's the q-back for the Bucs. He's not doing too well. His dad was the q-back for the NY Giants forever and was a great player. He needs to have a talk with his son. He just needs some confidence. Anyway...

Friday night we went to a get-together at Julie's for Jen and Joe. Joe is home from the war effort for a couple of weeks and then he goes back until December. Fun was had by all. We grilled out and just hung out and talked. It was very nice. I forgot to break out the camera...sorry. Beth and Richard had to miss....something about the kids and Disneyworld??? Don't understand that one.....who would choose Disney over a party???? Hmmmmm....... I would!
Saturday, Parker woke up sick to his tummy. First time for that. He didn't really feel good all day, but only ran a fever for about 2 hours. Matt came over and Red Ranger helped him tile. It looks great. RR just has to do some finishing things like the grout and base boards and put in a new potty. Yea.
Now, all the boys are napping in our bed and I get to have alone time with football and the laptop. This is really relaxing for me, trust me. I've got a cup of coffee...what else could be better? We were going to go to Red Lobster for lunch, but decided to go home after getting there. We're standing there by the lobster tank and Parker is falling asleep on my shoulder. Staying would have been a BAD idea and no fun at all. So we opted for Micky D's (yuck) and a nap at home......much smarter.
Well, let me post some random pictures and see how this new BETA thing works. Later