best blog ever
Ok people.....I had just typed the best blog ever and what happened????? Unexpected error. Thanks a lot, blogger. Appreciate that ministry! Just trying to save a draft and then what???? NOTHING.....all gone.......I'll try to get inspired again..... in the mean time, enjoy some pics.

I've had that happen before... that's why I hit "Control A" "Control C" several times along the way while I am typing... at least that way I can hit "paste" in case it freezes up!
Can't go wrong posting pics of those two adorable faces! How 'bout that for best blog ever!
Posted by
Tracey |
10:44 PM
These pictures are adorable, but it is a bummer to lose stuff like that, isn't it? Especially if it was your 'best blog ever'! I'm glad for the heads up from you and Tracey though because I've never saved my stuff along the way either...I may try that 'Control A' and 'Control C' stuff...if I can remember!
Posted by
Dianne |
7:16 AM
Such beautiful boys!!!
Hope we can hang out together again soon.
Posted by
Jennifer |
9:27 AM