i'm back
Well kids, it's been a while. Sorry, I've been a little busy. Here's what's been going on. First of all, last Friday, Red Ranger took me to a Falcons game. YEA. It was great. We had a good time just hanging out together. We went to Atlantic Station first and ate at the Fox Sports Grill. Yummers. It had a great atmosphere to it. There were screens everywhere with every kind of sport on them. And the food was awesome too. I had this BBQ nachos. Very good. Back to the game. They were supposed to have played the starters, but did they? Nope. Got to see the scrubs. But DJ Shockley did play about 3 quarters. It was great to go and I am so thankful to my hubby for getting us great tickets (thanks T.C). It was a great date night.
As you may have read on RR and JLU X2's blogs, the fam went out of town to visit Red Ranger's sister and family. We had a great time and the long 8 hr road trip was not that bad. Of course, the portable DVD player in the car helped quite a bit. We went to the Louisville Slugger factory and ate a lot of great food that his sister cooked. We also got to ride Tommy's nephew's motorcycle. Actually they have two. That was sooooo much fun. Now, don't anyone panic, but I did ride the boys around for a short time. I did not get out of 2nd gear, so I went pretty slow. But it was their first time and they enjoyed it...... and I did too. It was a good weekend.
But, it's good to be home and try and get back into the routine of everyday life. The laundry, the dishes, school and work. It's tough being out of work, because you have so much to catch up on when you get back. I was out Friday - Tuesday and I paid for it! I had a lot to get done Wed - Fri. Mostly stuff that had to be done for Sunday.
Red Ranger and I have a double date tonight. Looking forward to that....should have plenty of laughs! Until next time..... this is Cantini #3 signing off. Maybe that's how Katie Couric should sign off of the CBS news?????

As you may have read on RR and JLU X2's blogs, the fam went out of town to visit Red Ranger's sister and family. We had a great time and the long 8 hr road trip was not that bad. Of course, the portable DVD player in the car helped quite a bit. We went to the Louisville Slugger factory and ate a lot of great food that his sister cooked. We also got to ride Tommy's nephew's motorcycle. Actually they have two. That was sooooo much fun. Now, don't anyone panic, but I did ride the boys around for a short time. I did not get out of 2nd gear, so I went pretty slow. But it was their first time and they enjoyed it...... and I did too. It was a good weekend.
But, it's good to be home and try and get back into the routine of everyday life. The laundry, the dishes, school and work. It's tough being out of work, because you have so much to catch up on when you get back. I was out Friday - Tuesday and I paid for it! I had a lot to get done Wed - Fri. Mostly stuff that had to be done for Sunday.
Red Ranger and I have a double date tonight. Looking forward to that....should have plenty of laughs! Until next time..... this is Cantini #3 signing off. Maybe that's how Katie Couric should sign off of the CBS news?????

I have more pictures to post....but, as usual, I can get about 2 up and then, no more.......
I'm sure your double-date will be a blast - looking forward to it!! It's a good thing Richard doesn't read these or he would have had the same comment as JC. Beth
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:55 PM
Ok I won't make any comments about no helmets! lol
It's really bugging me what in the world that light tan thing is in the background of the picture of the boys with Tom's family. Please inform!!!
Posted by
JL |
6:27 PM
I think that large tan thing is a Bat.
Am I correct?
and.......like Jodi said
Remember - safety first.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:50 AM
Sounds like a wonderful weekend....Have fun on your date!!
Posted by
Jennifer |
2:26 PM
I think it's a bat too! I cannot believe how big Lindsey and Zack are...oh my gosh! Where does the time go! Ummm...ditto on the helmet thing! Cho! I can't believe you rode the motorcycle, much less put your kids on it!!!
Posted by
Tracey |
9:48 PM